The 40-Day Transformation is a transformation of body and mind – radically changing your body and awakening the sacred within your soul. You’ll gain the tools to set yourself free and live healthier, and more authentically, than you have ever imagined.

Dates: Sunday January 31st- Sunday March 13th 
Gathering Times: Sunday Evenings 7-8pm
$129/Leap Members, $199/Non-Members (includes unlimited yoga)

Whether you are new to yoga or have practiced for years, dedicating yourself to a deeper practice for 40 days can radically shift your body and mind. The daily combination of asana practice, meditation, mantra, chanting, breath work, mindful eating, and personal reflection will cultivate a solid foundation from which students can live and grow. The program runs for 6-weeks and is lead through weekly meetings. Donna and Robert will guide you on a journey of mental clarity, lightness of body, and an illumination of spirit as we share, chant, and explore meditation and asana together.

Tuition cost is $199 for non-members and $129 for current members and includes the following:

  • 6-Weeks of Unlimited Yoga (non-members only).
  • Weekly meetings for collective support and discussion. As the group moves and changes together you will find strength and encouragement in the sharing of others, and leave the meetings feeling inspired and ready to embrace the week full of energy and awareness.
  • Chanting, Mantra and Pranyama
  • Diety Yoga Discussion
  • Detailed guidance and support for daily asana, journaling, and mindful eating.
  • Instructions to start and deepen your practice.
  • A copy of the book, “40 Days to Personal Revolution”.
  • 10% off all items in the boutique.

If you feel called at all to embark on this journey, don’t wait to register as it will sell out!

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About Donna and Robert Wenzler

Donna and Robert met and fell in love after Donna completed her first 40-day transformation experience. It was the result of this journey that led them to meet, connect, fall in love and begin to create a life focused on love and connecting community through yoga, meditation and music. Their teaching is heartfelt, authentic and fun! Their classes a safe space for vulnerability, healing, and transformation. They are both enrolled in the Janet Stone 500-hour Teacher Training, Baptiste Trained and Yoga Alliance Certified. Donna is a Certified Holistic Health Coach.

Please join Butch Mitchell and Karen Miscall-Bannon for an introduction to yoga for cancer patients and cancer survivors. We will explore ideas about cancer and what it means to be a cancer survivor. This workshop will focus on using a yoga practice as one of the tools in our healing journey. We will talk about and experience the importance of the breath in creating and sustaining health in the body-mind-soul. Appropriate for all levels & ages.

Date: February 6th, 2016
Time: 12:30-3:30pm
$45/advance registration $50/walk-in

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Clarify and rejuvenate with this vinyasa sequence designed to cleanse and purify the body leaving you feeling lighter, more energetic, and ready to greet the new year.

We will begin to ignite the internal fire with a detoxifying pranayama practice then move in to a strong asana sequence carefully designed to move toxins and cleanse the different systems. Strong standing poses create heat, deep hip openers can clear the pelvis and boost the immune system, twists assist in wringing out the internal organs, awakening and renewing the digestive system, and inversions to stimulate the lymphatic system and aid in flushing impurities out of the body. This will be a nurturing and deeply cleansing asana practice.

Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016 From: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Investment: $25 advance registration / $30 day of
*Special Pricing $105 for both Detox Flow and Detox Group Cleanse.
(This rate requires advance registration) Sign up early!

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Join Stacy Whittingham and Leap Yoga for a 7-day guided, supported, group cleanse. The changing of the seasons is a perfect time to clean out, letting go of the old and making room for what’s new. This transformational week of cleansing is designed to promote wellness and awakening of mind, body, and spirit, bringing more vitality and creativity to your life. This whole foods based cleanse is suitable for anyone interested and open to improving their health. We will offer guidelines that can be tailored to suit your personal goals for the week.

Let Food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.

Includes: Two group gatherings, Specific Guidelines for Eating and Nutritional Support, Tea Samples, Recipes, Journal, Mineral Salts, and Natural Herbs.

Investment: $89 advance registration, $99/door
Special pricing if you sign up for the Detox Flow. Get Both workshops for $105 in advance, $115 day of.

Initial Gathering: January 17th, 1pm-2:30pm
Completion Ceremony and Potluck: January 24the, 1pm-2:30pm

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*Couples and immediate family members – buy one cleanse & receive 50% discount on additional immediate family members. (Special pricing for detox flow & cleanse week does not apply)
*Students who have participated in a previous cleanse at Leap receive 20% off the advance registration. No discounts day of.

Please join Rick and Kristin at Leap Yoga on December 6th from 1-3pm for a two-hour experiential workshop that will include some yogic history, mythological stories, sanskrit mantra, and kirtan. Learn more about Bhakti Yoga, the yogic path of love and devotion. Bhakti Yoga can be described “love for love’s sake” or “union through love and devotion” and includes music and sound. Please join Leap Yoga, Rick, and Kristen for an afternoon of exploration into the wonderful world of Bhakti.

$20/advance registration and $25/door

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2016 Leap Assisting Program with Corey Mitchell & Gena Foreman

Assisting is a beautiful way to delve deeper into your yoga practice, connect with your community and experience the joy of giving.

In this assisting program you will learn how to assist a yoga class through hands–on and hands-off assists.
You will learn about alignment, energy exchange and ways to support the teacher and students during a class.

Assistants are an important part of the Leap community and this program is designed to teach you every thing you need to be a great assistant. You may even have a little bit of fun!

February 5, 7, 19, & 21st (date) from Fridays 6-9pm, Sundays 12-3pm (meeting times).

*Payment plans available.

This workshop is focused on what it takes to fulfill yoga’s biggest purpose, real evolution of the whole being, in a way that is skillful, empowered, inclusive and deeply inspiring. Take your skills and practices for evolving your commitments and yourself to the next level! All skill levels welcome for this playful asana practice and discussion.

Kevin McQuillan is the co-founder of Real Evolution Yoga and founder of Peace Retreat, Costa Rica (

Cost: $45

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Join Corey for a two hour long jump-back, jump-through, and hop up workshop! Experience how to use your body type, your natural abilities, and special adjustments so you can learn to do that handstand, forearm stand, crow, or any other pose you have been wanting to try! Corey pays special attention to each student that attends, because all of us have different body types, so all the poses can be achieved, just in different ways for each person. Corey will also speak about what stops us from trying the inversion. If you know Corey, this will be another fun and challenging workshop, but also a great way to connect with the community you practice with. If you have specific questions for Corey please feel free to email him at, or simply ask when you attend his next class.

Cost: $29
**$35 day of sign up


Join Karen Miscall-Bannon for an opportunity to dive deeply into your practice! In this two-hour master class, we will have time for plenty of vinyasa and “research” into some of the more complicated postures found in shorter classes! This is an opportunity to really learn the poses by breaking them down into their components; finding the sukha and sthira (sweetness and steadiness) in each one, which will enable you to take that body knowledge into your regular practice!

Price: $20 in advance // $25 day of

Contact Karen if you have any questions @

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The 8 limb path of yoga comes from the Yoga Sutras and is the foundation of our practice. During my trip to India my eyes were opened to a whole new way of looking at the 8 limbs of yoga and I want to share what I learned with all of you. Whether you have studied this path in depth or have no idea what it is, this workshop will wake you up to the power of this practice in your life. Come out and see how the limbs can support you not only in your practice but in your life.

Free workshop June 7th from 7-8 pm | With Cathy Conners

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