Clarify and rejuvenate with this vinyasa sequence designed to cleanse and purify the body leaving you feeling lighter, more energetic, and ready to greet the new year.
We will begin to ignite the internal fire with a detoxifying pranayama practice then move in to a strong asana sequence carefully designed to move toxins and cleanse the different systems. Strong standing poses create heat, deep hip openers can clear the pelvis and boost the immune system, twists assist in wringing out the internal organs, awakening and renewing the digestive system, and inversions to stimulate the lymphatic system and aid in flushing impurities out of the body. This will be a nurturing and deeply cleansing asana practice.
Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016 From: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Investment: $25 advance registration / $30 day of
*Special Pricing $105 for both Detox Flow and Detox Group Cleanse.
(This rate requires advance registration) Sign up early!