In this workshop we will study the anatomy of the heart and the anatomy of the spine. We will explore proper warm-up and alignment of back-bending, enabling yogis to access these asanas in a new and invigorating way. In addition we will be traveling deeper into the energetic heart space to explore our own capacity to absorb a greater amount of positive energy, unconditional love & unlimited joy. We will learn more about the energetic heart, the Anahata and it’s power to radiate, it’s aura, and magnetic field.

This workshop will include exploration of both the physical and spiritual heart and the benefits of movement in the spine. Meditation on the heart chakra will also be included. Backbends can support greater self-confidence as well as the ability to move beyond fear and embrace excitement in life.

April 3rd 2016  |  1-3pm
$25 in advance & $30 day of workshop

Sign Up

“Please join me in this journey where I am going to share wisdom and knowledge reminding ancient teachings that our masters left for us to explore: “It is in our Sacred Heart and in the depths of Our Spine that God lives”. This work will have many positive effects on the brain and nervous as we explore different forms of backbends, connect with the rhythm of our heart, and allow the light to shine through.”



Friday night April 8th Kirtan 7:30-9pm $15
Wah! introduces the practice of Sanskrit call-and-response chanting

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Saturday she’s teaching the 9:30am Class
Get ready to move, breathe, and deeply relax! Wah! teaches yoga & self-healing techniques and plays live music at the end of class.


Sunday Sound Healing Workshop from 1-3pm $35 Advance Registration/$40 walk-in
An exploration of healing using simple meditative exercises. Wah! uses toning, meditation, dialogue and discussion to create pathways for healing and self-connection. This workshop may be especially helpful for anyone interested in meditation, coping with anxiety, stress, grief, illness, or injury. Bring a friend or family member, come alone, be together. You will leave relaxed and reconnected.

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Wah! is a legend in the yoga world, creating high energy experiences using sound, meditation and music. Her sultry grooves rock the yoga festivals, her meditative Healing Concerts transform and guide. Her Savasana tracks have sold over 60,000 copies worldwide. A lifelong yogi, record label owner and accomplished musician, she shares wisdom with humor and awareness.


Please join Sarah Grace for a power packed evening of guided meditation, grounded healing, and energetic awareness. The intention of Healing Circle is to provide a safe space for participants to release limiting blocks, thought patterns, and fears so that they may step more fully into their own individual power. Rest, relaxation, deep connection, and genuine friendships are the standard. Come discover yourself and your own unique abilities amongst the support of this fun and loving community.

Every Sunday night from 7:00-8pm
$10 suggested donation

Are you resistant to pushing yourself in your vinyasa? Are you resistant to settling into yin? New to either or seasoned in both? Join Emily as she guides you through a heated and powerful vinyasa practice to get you to your edge, perhaps deeper to your edge than before.

“Remember the quiet wonders. The world has more need of them than it has warriors.” Charles de Lint

You will connect through music, your community and ultimately deeply into yourself as you will end the last hour of class in an extended surrender of guided yin poses. We will discuss the feminine and masculine and how we can honor and balance both in each type of asana.

March 13th, 2016
1 – 3pm
Investment: $25/advance registration $00/walk-in
Benefitting St. John’s Program for Real Change Shelter for Women and Children

Sign Up

We would like to invite you to a birthday party on Monday night (Feb. 15th) at 6pm. Leap is turning 4 years old!

The evening will include an all-levels vinyasa practice from 6-7:15pm and refreshments provided by Fork Lifters fresh, local, and seasonal cuisine.


Yin Yoga & Thai Massage with Aaron Pappas

Join us as we explore the deep, healing power that working in partnership can provide. During this fun, yet introspective 2.5 hour workshop, we will see how the assistance and support of a partner can help us to find more depth and relaxation in our bodies, minds and spirits. Whether on our yoga mats or in our lives, when we are supported, the process of surrender and letting go becomes so much more sweet.

February 13th, 2016
Investment: $35/advance registration $40/walk-in
Special Couples pricing $60/advance registration $70/walk-in

Sign Up

Yoga Hip Fix with April Underwood

Hip pain and discomfort is most often preventable, treatable, and within your ability to heal and repair. In this master class for both beginners and experienced students, April will teach you how she healed her own hip problems after being told she should prepare for future hip replacement surgery at age 45!

What you will learn:

● how to increase your hip range of motion and stability by leaps and bounds!

● the relationship between hip and lower back pain

● how knee and hip pain are related and preventable

● sciatica and piriformis pain solution….and so much more!


February 21st, 2016
Pricing: $30/advance registration $35/walk-in

Sign Up

Hi yogis! Hope this week finds you all well. Im excited about this weeks post, as this week we’ll get to know Stacy and her story a little more.

For those of you who have taken Stacy Whittingham’s classes, you know that there is something about this woman that shines so bright it fills the room. She moves with grace and has so much
love and passion for people; she genuinely cares about supporting others in their personal journeys to health and wholeness.

Last year I had the privilege of going through Stacy and Gena’s teacher training and got to know Stacy on a deeper level. With her permission, I’m honored to share with you part of her story!

Living the American dream and working in corporate America, Stacy found herself run down and in a yoga class. After a series of divine interruptions (don’t you love those?!) she was lead to her teacher Rusty Wells, in San Francisco. Soon she completed first teacher training. It was clear at that point that this was her path, and with that, She dove all in and has never looked back.

Stacy’s journey to embracing the yogic lifestyle lead her to Mahendra Briksha  who quickly became one of her teachers. As she studied under Briksha they eventually became friends and collaborated co-creating a yogic catering and conscious eating education venture in San Francisco called Bhakti Kitchen.

During this time Stacy’s sister was diagnosed with cancer. Stacy took this diagnosis as an opportunity to grab hold of her passion and convictions and dive in deeper, learning more about how to heal the body with food. As she supported her sister through this battle she saw the fruits of the yogic diet manifest in her sisters healing. The valley of pain and struggle became a gateway for hope as Stacy’s sister went into remission and has been cancer free for the past five years. Stacy experienced first hand and in a powerful way the potential food has to heal the body, if we allow it.

Stacy lives Yoga. If you know her to any extent, you know this. She believes yoga is not just something we practice on the mat, but that as we step off the mat we are to step into the world and “walk like a yogi.” Every January she herself goes to San Francisco to join a community of between 100-200 yogis who practice an annual detox flow with her teacher Stephanie Snyder .

Stacy has been leading cleanse workshops at Leap for the past four years. She also Leads workshops and has clients in San Francisco as well and around the Sacramento area. Though she works with individual clients, what she loves is walking through the experience of cleansing in community. There is strength and support in that.

When I asked her what she loves the most about watching people go through her detox/cleanse workshops, she had a hard time sharing just one thing. What she did say is that “It changes their lives” and having gone through her teacher training, I can attest to the gift Stacy has to influence and change lives!

It’s a new year Yogis! Its time to breakup with the craving cycle, the unhealthy habits and rise up to a new level of wholeness, to take yoga off our mats and into our kitchens. To really experience the power of yoga, the power of loving ourselves, even with the food we eat. I know I personally have struggle in this area for most of my life. I’ve struggle with body shaming myself, and putting limitations on myself and I know how good and freeing it feels when we let go of what’s no longer serving us emotionally, spiritually, relationally and physically. I know I’m going to make the most of this gift we have in our community found in Stacy and glean from her all she has to offer. I invite you to join me, I hope you will! It’s time my friends to choose the best for our lives.

Stacy is starting off her workshop with a DETOX FLOW on Jan 16th and you do not want to miss this vital part to the process. This is the space where we pair movement and breath to prepare the body to release and receive everything else that’s coming in the 7 DAY CLEANSE. You know how its wise to build a house on a solid foundation, consider this detox flow your foundation for the cleanse workshop. Starting on the 17th, the week to follow we will be educated, equipped, inspired and supported by Stacy (and each other) as she walks us through what she has shared with so many others and little by little, step by step, we will become the healthiest versions of ourselves! Lets do this friends!!

I’m excited! Are you?! Hope to see you there!



One year ends and another begins. Steeped in the warmth of lunar energy, celebrate this shift through a guided candlelight meditation followed my slow thoughtful movement of Chandra Namaskar, Moon Salutation. Join Gena as we journey inward, uncovering our wisdom, our creativity, and balance for the New Year.

Date: January 23rd
Time: 6-8pm
Investment: $25/advance registration, $30/walk-in
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