leapyoga.net becomes friendlier
After much discussion and customer feedback, it was time for a change! Nothing drastic but much needed.
Websites are always a difficult animal to develop, not technically, but because clients become familiar with the layout and without malice, become resistant to change.
The last 2 months have been hectic to say the least. VIRTUAL was certainly a learning experience with on demand Leap Live being added and the creation of a Leap Library, utilizing our existing provider platform. The funny thing is we had been talking, and signed off on the offering of a VIRTUAL experience about 6 months ago, but obviously COVID sealed the deal! This along with the creation of a completely new website, but current events took over.
Leap Library is still being developed and categorization will follow to replace our current listing ordered alphabetically by Yoga type, then by teacher, followed by date. Our provider also has developed and rushed their VIRTUAL booking platform in order to keep up, as an interim, while their refined version is still to be launched. This should be out shortly and can’t come soon enough. Our thinking of not utilizing multiple, perhaps more advanced, platforms was for web stability and seamless transfer. This has temporarily not allowed us to post previews and thumbnails in our library, but that will come.
So while Leap – our studio – is currently undergoing major refurbishment and rejuvenation, so is Leap on line. Major category changes have been made, with VIRTUAL SCHEDULE now containing our full range of offerings in a drop down menu. Our menu has been simplified to reflect Yoga as currently provided. This should be much simpler to navigate, while still maintaining an air of familiarity.
When changes are made, websites rebel and drop links, so please be a little forgiving until all is repaired, should we have missed something. All changes have been made while live, as we did not want to disrupt things more than necessary.
Further changes will be made and eventually a second in STUDIO offering will be added when we are given the thumbs up to open.
The Leap VIRTUAL schedule drop down menu now provides you with a full listing of what we have coming including Workshops and Teacher Trainings. It also shows technical pointers on how to get set up.
We have added new sections if you are NEW TO LEAP and expanded the information under ABOUT US drop down menu, as well as adding a link to help you log in under MY ACCOUNT. Sliding banners have been renamed and are fewer, hopefully more relevant, adding to the navigation experience.
We have also tried to simplify things when the site is viewed on different devices, including cell phones and tablets. Though the best experience is undoubtedly on your computer, especially during these VIRTUAL times.
We sincerely hope that once you have become accustomed to the changes, you find the revisions a marked improvement to assist you in maximizing you enjoyment of Leap VIRTUAL and the Leap experience.