The Anatomy of Emotion with Mark Haviland C.M.T.

Feb 25th from 1 to 7pm

This workshop is a powerful hands-on interactive exploration of the body, your body and the vast universe of emotions within each and every person. Feelings buried alive never die. When feelings aren’t felt and honored they get stuck in the body. This stuck-ness can turn into aches and pains and then if not dealt with can manifest into serious illnesses. All information will be presented in an easy and digestible fashion with humor and spontaneous relevance. Anyone is welcome to attend. No prior experience is needed in any field, all you need is to have a body.

*Dynamic lecture and group exploration of The Chinese Five Element Theory, and how it bridges the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual dimensions of being human.

*Interactive and hands on exercises to deepen and broaden ones bodily self knowledge and wisdom.

*Meridian—Muscle—Emotion connections and spiritual qualities embedded within these connections.

*Self Care Techniques: Stretching, Qi Gong and Self Massage (both self massage and partner massage).

*Meeting the Shadow: An introspective investigation and inquiry into the parts of us that got left behind. Presented with techniques and awarenesses that can turn this unintegrated saboteur into a very powerful ally.

*Transformational Bodywork Demonstrations: Mark will be taking volunteers to show the profound bodywork he does and has learned from his teacher Dr. Fred Mitouer. There will be about 3 or 4 demos of this powerful work to assist the participants in seeing what actually is trapped in the tissues as well as what is lurking underneath the floor boards of ones daily consciousness. This will be the most dynamic part of the workshop and not to be missed.

*All of the material presented can be easily woven into a daily yogic/spiritual practices. The main pillar of intention at the core of this workshop is to peal away that which is not true; emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and physically. This workshop is an amazing addition to any yoga retreat or teacher training.

About Mark

Over thirteen years ago Mark went through a near death experience which catapulted him into the depths of his own soul, the trenches of the human experience and a long expedition through the healing arts. Through his own healing crisis he learned several techniques and modalities while surrounding himself and studying with many master teachers.

Mark has been teaching with his mentor Dr. Fred Mitouer in Northern California, leading his own retreats and traveling the world sharing his healing work. These touching epic journeys through India (two years in a row), volunteering in the largest slum in Africa, working in Bali for Janet Stone Yoga and her trainings and retreats, in Mexico and Guatemala with Mark Morford Yoga and several Northern California retreats and trainings with Hareesh (The Mattamayura Institute) has opened Mark up to a deeper sense of his own humanity. In addition Mark just finished a 6 week seven city cross country healing tour here in the states this past spring called The Soul Whisperer Project. Where he is making a documentary film about this healing work he has cultivated over the years. He is now planning on hitting the road again for 7 months this time, going to more than 20 different cites across the US and Canada. Watch some clips from here:

With these profound experiences Mark is purposely compelled to continue sharing his healing touch and years of experience accompanying people through their inner shadow realms, misperceptions and unconscious defense mechanisms, all of which are held in the body. By forging a relationship with ones inner saboteur and cultivating an allyic bond with this normally elusive aspect of the human psyche, one can move through the world with their essence nature as their compass. This sacred work produces unconflicted behavior and continuity of purpose, both of which are powerful ruters to navigate this life.

Mark’s attuned touch, fiercely irreverent sense of humor and ease-full presence, he shares a unique technology of freedom through his bodywork—evoking, activating and connecting people to their own souls and their true purpose.

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