Free Chakra Series with Cathy Connors June 14-20
The chakras represent the energy centers that run along the spine of the body. Understanding and working with the chakras can help you to feel more balanced and energized in your life. The focus of this workshop is to give the student a basic understanding of each chakra and to begin to work with the energy of the particular chakra we are working on that day. Each class will include a brief discussion of the “chakra of the day” as well as a Sattva Vinyasa class that aims to strengthen or balance the chakra. This is a free workshop and you can sign up for one class or all seven. Space is limited so pre -sign up is required.
Sign up online
and email to let her know what classes you will be attending.
June 14 – 1st Chakra – Root
June 15 – 2nd Chakra Sacral J
une 16 – 3rd Chakra -Solar Plexus
June 17 – 4th Chakra – Heart
June 18 – 5th Chakra – Throat
June 19 – 6th Chakra – 3rd Eye
June 20 – 7th Chakra – Crown
June 15-19 Monday through Friday 5:45-7:00 a.m.
June 14 & 20 Saturday and Sunday 8:00-9:15 a.m.
Location 929 Sutter Street in Old Town Folsom
**Sattva classes are a journey into self that involve vinyasa, pranyama, kriya and meditation. For more information email or visit or