Assisting in Yoga

Have you ever thought about assisting in yoga class?

Leap is hosting an Assistant Training next weekend and it’s not too late to sign up!

Take your practice to a new level. Dive in. Connect with your community.

Here’s what some assistants say about the experience…


Photo via Pinterest.

I love to assist because it is a unique time in a yoga practice where there a one on one connection. Non-verbal, energy connected, and really support going both ways. When it works it is so powerful. You can actually feel the shift in the students practice as they accept the support and let go. So awesome.


I assist because it allows me to connect with and nurture others. I am grateful about about my students willingness to let in love. I feel connected and honored when I assist.


Assisting allows me the opportunity to connect with my community and support my students in feeling poses. It allows me to help them deepen their experience of yoga.


I love to assist because it is meaningful for me to support others in their yoga practice. I am grateful for the willingness and courage I witness in my students. I feel connected, inspired and grateful when I assist. 


I am so grateful for the assists. Those wonderful hands help me through the practice, especially if I am sore. These loving hands are a blessing.




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