Inversions with Michael Fong

Inversions are exciting postures that are highly therapeutic and grounding. Join Michael to receive instruction on how to invert your body with effectiveness and grace. In this two hour workshop, you will learn the following:

  • How to uplift yourself using proper alignment
  • Create muscular integration and full body awareness
  • Develop your handstand, forearm stand, and headstand

Develop a greater understanding of your body and have fun turning upside down!

Sunday Dec 4th
1-3:00 pm

$25/Advance Registration $30/Walk-In

Sign Up

Sacred Circle: New Moon Activation for Women

Moon Magic! New Moon is Sagittarius on November 29th 4:18am PST.

Sagittarius New Moon brings us Optimism, Hope & Faith as we move deeper into the Holiday season. Sagittarius is the archetype of The Wise Woman – “She is the Wise Woman, Sage, Crone, Archer and the Seeker of Truth.” New Moons act as Powerful Portals of Manifestation Magic! New seeds can be planted and our instincts are stronger than ever. Join us in this magical portal time together as a Sisterhood collective through meditation, prayer, song and journaling. *Includes special gift*

Blessings & AHO!

Sunday, November 27th 7-8:30pm

$15/Advance Registration $20/Walk-In

Sign Up

FAITH + FLOW: A Vinyasa Weekend with Rolf Gates

Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 1/27/2017 – 1/29/2017 From: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Rolf Gates, author of the acclaimed books on yogic philosophy, Meditations from the Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga, and the newly released: Meditations on Intention and Being: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga, Mindfulness and Compassion, conducts yoga workshops, retreats, teacher trainings, and coaching and mentorship programs throughout the U.S. and abroad–and online. Rolf and his work have been featured in numerous media, including Yoga Journal, ORGINS, Natural Health, People Magazine, and Travel and Leisure’s 25 Top Yoga Studios in the World. Rolf is the co-founder of the Yoga, Meditation and Recovery Conference at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, Massachusetts and a teacher at Spirit Rock Insight Meditation Center in Northern CA. He is also on the Advisory Board for the Yoga Service Council and the Veterans Yoga Project. A former addictions counselor and U.S. Army Airborne Ranger who has practiced meditation for over twenty-five years, Rolf brings his eclectic background to his practice and his teachings. Rolf and his wife, Mariam Gates, author of Good Night Yoga: A Pose by Pose Bedtime Story and Good Morning Yoga: A Pose by Pose Wake Up Story, live in Santa Cruz, California with their two children. Don’t miss this opportunity to study with Rolf Gates!

Join Rolf for a dynamic weekend of Vinyasa, meditation, pranyama and lecture/discussion as we explore the practices that create a life that works. The pose is what we are doing, the yoga is how we are being in the pose. The yoga will be a synergy of the freedom of a powerful Vinyasa class and the structural integrity of yoga’s therapeutic alignment principles.

The sessions are intended as a whole weekend workshop, but the sessions may be taken individually. All sessions will be based around aspects of Rolf Gates’ newly released: Meditations on Intention and Beings: Dally Reflections on the Path of Yoga, Mindfulness and Compassion (Penguin Random House, Dec. 2015)

1 Session: $65, 2 Sessions: $120, 3 Sessions: $165, Full Weekend (including Meditation Workshop): $200

SCHEDULE (+ individual Session Descriptions):


6pm-9pm: Intention and Being: Vinyasa Session

In this asana-based session we will explore being grounded in our practice and inspired in our lives. We will allow our practice to give voice to the great heart within us.

The session will include Vinyasa, meditation and lecture/discussion. The yoga will be a synergy of the freedom of a powerful Vinyasa class and the structural integrity of yoga’s therapeutic alignment principles.

The intensive is intentionally challenging, but open to all who wish to explore yoga as an evolutionary journey. The only ‘requirement’ is that you show up, do your best and let your best be good enough.


9am-noon: Being Still with Skill: The Power of Meditation Workshop

Yoga is the cultivation of inner space and the ability to use it well. In this meditation workshop, Rolf will describe the opportunity presented to us in the teachings of the Buddha and Patanjali. This experiential workshop will explore how these great contributions to consciousness weave beautifully together to enhance the quality of our daily lives. This will be in lecture discussion form and guided meditation experience with support in beginning or building on your own meditation practice.

2-5pm: Strength + Surrender: Vinyasa Session

‘In our fear we believe that we must make things happen; in our practice we learn to let things happen.’ Rolf Gates
The session will include Vinyasa, meditation and lecture/discussion. The yoga will be a synergy of the freedom of a powerful Vinyasa class and the structural integrity of yoga’s therapeutic alignment principles.

The intensive is intentionally challenging, but open to all who wish to explore yoga as an evolutionary journey. The only ‘requirement’ is that you show up, do your best and let your best be good enough.


9am-noon: Faith and Flow: Vinyasa Session

Knowing the heart offers us a new possibilities in every aspect of our lives. In this asana-based session we will dive into the tools of yoga that allow us to stay connected to the truth of who we are as we practice new ways of being in the world.

The session will include Vinyasa, meditation and lecture/discussion. The yoga will be a synergy of the freedom of a powerful Vinyasa class and the structural integrity of yoga’s therapeutic alignment principles.

The intensive is intentionally challenging, but open to all who wish to explore yoga as an evolutionary journey. The only ‘requirement’ is that you show up, do your best and let your best be good enough.

Sign Up

Within you is a fountain of joy, within you is an ocean of bliss! — Swami Sivananda 

Come join me for a workshop to explore the most practical way to add meditation to your current lifestyle.  I can’t promise however, that your lifestyle won’t change naturally and positively post meditation!

Meditate, Journal, Breathe… for Joy
November 12th from 1-3pm
$25 in advance/$30 at the door

No refunds on day of the event.  Thanks for understanding.  

In this workshop we will:

  • Explore a variety of meditation styles so you can choose one for yourself
  • Educate ourselves as to the benefits of this ancient tradition (SNEAK PEAK…..Overcome Stress – Lose Weight – Sleep Soundly – Be Less Reactive – Boost Creativity – CHOOSE better choices, etc….)
  • Practice using a short 7-10 min yoga sequence to prep us for taking our seat

Please Bring:
Journal, pen, yoga mat and wear comfortable clothes

To meditate, to write, to breath
Sign Up

Tuesdays 7-8am with Rochelle Barcellona
Sundays 7:15-8:15am with Steven Ketscher
Sundays 7-8pm with Sarah Grace

Investment: $7/drop-in

Meditation can help to improve concentration, reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and more.

Sacred Circle Full Moon Women’s Gathering

Full Moon in Aries 9:23pm PST. This is a Full SuperMoon in Aries ~ also known as the Hunter’s Moon or Blood Moon. A SuperMoon means that it is close to the Earth in orbit.

This full moon is a time to reconnect with our individuality and the power that lies within our being. Aries is a fire sign, ruled by the red planet, Mars. We will use this SuperMoon Energy to manifest and sync up to our highest self’s dreams together as a sisterhood collective through meditation, breath work, prayer and a journaling exercise.

*Includes special gift to take home*

Aho! Awen! Blessed Be!

Saturday, October 15th

$10 **No woman will be turned away for lack of funds.

Sign Up

Conflict To Cooperation

Through Conscious Parenting we can build pathways to connection.

Do you want more peace and calm in your home?
Do you find yourself raising your voice more often than you would like to admit?
Do you feel like your child is constantly pushing your buttons?

Please join G’anna Burke for an interactive and eye-opening look at parenting. You will leave this talk with a new perspective and information on:

  • Parenting paradigms alive in the world currently
  • What is going on in your child’s brain when they are upset
  • What brain science tells us about emotional intelligence
  • How to gain natural cooperation from your child
  • The one tool missing in your parenting toolbox
  • How Conscious Parenting leads to connection with your child

Come learn some new parenting skills in this safe and supportive environment where we will explore the worlds toughest and most rewarding job: Parenting

G’anna Burke is a Certified Conscious Parenting Guide and a mother to two active children. She is committed to helping parents create peaceful, connected relationships with their children that will last a lifetime. She works with parents one on one, in groups and workshop settings.

Sunday, October 2nd

$10 Advance Registration / $13 Day of Event

Sign Up

Inversions De-mystified with Sheri House

Have certain arm balances and other inversions seemed complicated and difficult?

In this workshop you can:

  • Remove the mystery
  • Learn to build structure and alignment
  • Find lightness and support as you spread your wings and find balance.

Sheri will explain and demonstrate how to safely balance on your arms in a variety of inversions.
You will practice intelligent steps and proper alignment and learn to go upside down with confidence.

Saturday September 24th
from 1-3pm

$25 advance registration/$30 door

Sign Up