Self Love – A Yin Yoga Ritual


Date: Sunday, September 25th

Time: 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Investment: Early Registration: $33 / Day of: $44

Join James for a Yin Yoga Ritual of devotion, ecstatic union and self-love. Explore your yoga practice as relational, rather than postural, with modifications, variations and somatic inroads to merge your conscious awareness with your body temple. This tantric practice is an invitation to to weave together the many layers of your being into a harmonious whole. By acknowledging your worthiness and sovereignty your light shines on the deepest, shadowy parts of yourself, allowing love into previously unloved parts.

* This class includes hands-on massage with certified Thai Massage practitioner James Kapicka.

James is a somatic-based movement facilitator with a passion for bringing people together to play, explore and celebrate. Through sincere and heartfelt guidance, he creates an environment that empowers students to trust their intuition and listen to their heart. This approach promotes curiosity, creative play and authentic expression, and allows for a deeply resonant relationship with self, others and our planet.

* Please arrive 15 minutes early

Early Registration: $33
Day of: $44

Leap’s 100 Club 2025 with Amy Zilkie


Happy Holidays Leapers! Empower yourself this year with Leap’s 2025 100 club. It is easy to lose sight of your goals and let dedication to your yoga practice slip a little from time to time. A helping hand from friends can make all the difference.

Come join Leap’s 100 club and stay motivated to practice 100 classes in 2025. Together we will support, encourage, and stay connected to our intentions throughout the year.


The Rules

Sign up for Leap’s 100 club by February 15th
Practice 100 classes in 2025 (vinyasa/yin/kaiut/ kundalini/workshops)
All classes must be completed at Leap to qualify.

Join Leap’s 100 Club and stay motivated to practice in 100 (or more) classes. You choose your personal goal to attend 100+ classes in 2025.  Together we will support, encourage, and stay connected to our intentions throughout the year. Sign up and you will receive an email from Amy asking you to fill out a commitment card. This card is your chance to set your yoga intention for the year. You are invited to set your goal of 100 (or more classes). Make your goal and you will receive 2 Leap class passes & Leap’s coveted 100 club t-shirt at the end of the year.


Investment: $35

Registration Deadline: February 15th


Sign Up

Welcome to our amazing holiday sale:


Sale Thursday, Friday, Saturday and ends Sunday

  • 20% Off Our Entire Boutique
  • 15% OFF Class Passes
  • Up to 60% OFF Clearance Rack
  • New to Leap…$40 OFF first month Unlimited Membership. (All memberships have a 3 month minimum and are Auto-Pay only)

Call or visit for details!



Arm Balance Workshop with Michael Fong

Arms balances are playful and challenging postures that create a low to the ground calming effect on our body.

  • Develop the functionality of your hands and upper body.
  • Build symmetry and strength in the shoulders.
  • Learn to generate full body integration to lift off against gravity.

Join Michael for this 2-hour workshop that will give you tools to start building your own consistent arm balance practice.

Sunday January 15th 
$25 advance registration/ $30 walk-in

Sign Up

Leap Beginner’s Workshop with Tristina Kennedy

Beginner’s Workshop
Take this empowering workshop with Tristina to discover how the practice of yoga can open up more space in your body and life! Whether you’re brand new or a seasoned student who wants to refine the basics, this workshop will create confidence in your practice and prepare you for comfort in classes.

Topics will include:

  • Common misconceptions about yoga
  • A brief overview of the philosophy of the yoga practice
  • How to breathe and link your movement with breath
  • Alignment of key foundational poses
  • Direct feedback and hands-on support in your poses
  • Ways to modify poses to fit your ability
  • What to expect when starting a regular yoga practice

This is an interactive workshop, so please bring questions! Arrive in comfortable clothing, bring a towel/water, and avoid eating for at least 1 hour prior. Mats are available at the studio if you do not have one.

~ Connect with me at:

Saturday, January 7th from 1-3pm 

$20 early registration/ $25 walk-in

Sign Up

Sacred Circle: Full Moon Magic for Women

Moon Magic! Full Moon in Gemini on December 13th 4:06pm PST.

Gemini is an Air sign and brings clarity & creativity of the mind. This is the archetype of The Muse – “The Muse is light-hearted, buzzing with creativity, paints her own canvas and knows she is the artist of her own mythic journey.” Give yourself permission to express yourself fully & honestly and with the totality of your being. Join us in this magical portal time together as a Sisterhood collective through meditation, prayer, song and journaling. *Includes special gift*

Blessings & AHO!

Sunday, December 11th 7-8:30pm 

$12 early registration/ $15 walk-in

Sign Up

Yin Yoga Weekend Intensive & Teacher Training with James Kapicka

February 3rd – 5th at LEAP Yoga

Join James Kapicka (and KristaLove Louise) for a deep study of yin yoga through the exploration of breath awareness, pose modifications and variations, intelligent sequencing, yin philosophy and the creation and holding of a container for healing yoga ceremony.

The foundational aspects of this training include:
☯ Coming in & out of shapes safely
☯ Anatomical & energetic sequencing
☯ Use of props, modifications & variations
☯ Assisting & massage
☯ Counter poses
☯ Contraindications
☯ Teaching & embodiment of yin philosophy
☯ Theming
☯ Holding space that supports healing
☯ Use of silence & stillness

This weekend intensive has been designed for students of yoga who wish to increase their understanding of the yin practice, and for teachers aspiring to gain knowledge of yin postures and philosophy. We will discuss and examine topics such as chi, Taoism, yin/yang, anatomy, Chinese meridians, chakras and meditation. Practicum will explore how to move through postures to help deepen your practice and adapt it to the personal needs of students. This includes working with modifications and variations, as well as building sequences around the seasons, anatomical features, and Chinese meridians.

– Friday Feb 3,  3pm – 9pm
– Saturday Feb 4, 8am – 5pm
– Sunday Feb 5, 8am-3pm

– $299 Early Registration (By January 14th)
– $369 (After January 14th)

Students who complete the 2 homework assignments will receive 25 hours CE

February 3rd – 5th at LEAP Yoga

Sign Up


Friday Night Kirtan with Rick and Kristin

Bhakti Yoga is often times referred to as “the divine calling for herself”.  Please join Rick and Kristin for an intimate and devotional practice of Mantra and Kirtan. The intention for this kirtan is to unite us in the healing vibration of love. Absolutely everyone, including your children of all ages, are welcome.  Wear comfy clothes and a cushion to sit on.

Friday, December 9th
$10 Sliding Scale. Kids free 16 & under FREE!

Sign Up


Little Yogi’s come enjoy an afternoon of crafts, playtime, and yoga fun. Parents can do their Christmas shopping or just take an afternoon break from it all.

While you’re away your children will be practicing yoga through an active read-aloud and winter-inspired visual vignette. We will also learn mindfulness practices that can be done at home and even in school. The fun doesn’t stop there because we will also play yoga games! Shh… there might even be a special handmade gift involved for our mommies and daddies! Sign up all the siblings and friends!! Nobody will want to miss out!

Saturday, December 10th
First Child: $29 advance registration/ $35 walk-in. Siblings 50% off!
Ages: 5+

Sign Up


Join Allie & Diana in this 2-hour workshop designed to give you the knowledge, resources and hands-on practices to live your life from a place of Radical Self-Care and Radiant Self-Love. Our bodies are Sacred Temples that we should tend to daily with Compassion & Devotion.

“Each morning, we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

Ayurevda means life knowledge. It is the sister science to yoga and the oldest healing science on the planet. Our sense organs are like little windows for our soul to perceive life. It is important to cleanse and nourish theses sense organs with daily practices to help increase consciousness, improve health, and sustain a peaceful mind.

Saturday December 3rd
$40 advance // $45 day of

Sign Up

Ayurvedic dinacharya (daily routine)
Learn the Benefits and Practice of:

  • Tongue scraping & oil pulling
  • Netti pot & Nasya
  • Rose water eyewash
  • Abhyanga- Self oil massage
  • Food Sadhana- making mealtime sacred & tips for better digestion
  • Primary vs. Secondary Food
  • Power & Benefits of Meditation
  • Mindful Eating

Please Bring:

  • Journal & Pen
  • Mug or Water bottle with Hot Water
  • Curious & Open Mind

About Diana:

Diana DeCesare is a student of life and has a deep appreciation for health, nature, and all things sacred. Her specialty is caring for the mind, body, and spirit. A Division 1 student athlete, Diana graduated from Loyola Marymount University with a BS in Pre-Physical Therapy and an autoimmune disease. Years of overtraining caught up to her, and although she looked healthy, she felt about 4 times her age. She realized health was so much more than eating healthy and exercising. If she wanted to truly feel better she would need to empower herself and learn about holistic healing. So she refused Western drugs, and did just that. Along her journey she became a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Pilates Instructor, 200hr Yoga Instructor, and Ayurvedic Health Counselor. Her current passion is teaching and counseling others in the science of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a comprehensive healing system that nourishes the mind, body, and spirit through techniques such as mantra, yoga asana, pranayama, herbs, and diet. It is by these means that Diana healed herself naturally and no longer has any indications of autoimmune disease. Diana’s goal is to help people achieve optimal health through coming into right relationship with one’s true self and nature.