The 40-Day Transformation is a transformation of body and mind – radically changing your body and awakening the sacred within your soul. You’ll gain the tools to set yourself free and live healthier, and more authentically, than you have ever imagined.

Whether you are new to yoga or have practiced for years, dedicating yourself to a deeper practice for 40 days can radically shift your body and mind. The daily combination of asana practice, meditation, mantra, chanting, breath work, mindful eating, and personal reflection will cultivate a solid foundation from which students can live and grow. The program runs for 6-weeks and is lead through weekly meetings. Donna and Robert will guide you on a journey of mental clarity, lightness of body, and an illumination of spirit as we share, chant, and explore meditation and asana together.

As part of the 40-Day Transformation you will receive:

  • 6-Weeks of Unlimited Yoga (non-members only).
  • Weekly meetings for collective support and discussion. As the group moves and changes together you will find strength and encouragement in the sharing of others, and leave the meetings feeling inspired and ready to embrace the week full of energy and awareness.
  • Chanting, Mantra and Pranayama
  • Diety Yoga Discussion
  • Detailed guidance and support for daily asana, journaling, and mindful eating
  • Instructions to start and deepen your practice.
  • 10% off all items in the boutique.

Participants are required to purchase:
A copy of the book, “40 Days to Personal Revolution” (Pricing ranges from $3.83 used – $17.00 new on Amazon

If you feel called at all to embark on this journey, don’t wait to register as it will sell out!

Weekly Meetings are Sundays at Leap: 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, and 11/20 (Final Celebration!)
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Program Investment: $129 (Leap Members) / $199 (Non-Members, includes 6 weeks yoga at Leap!)

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About Donna and Robert Wenzler
Donna and Robert met and fell in love after Donna completed her first 40-day transformation experience. It was the result of this journey that led them to meet, connect, fall in love and begin to create a life focused on love and connecting community through yoga, meditation and music. Their teaching is heartfelt, authentic and fun! Their classes a safe space for vulnerability, healing, and transformation. They are both completing their Janet Stone 500-hour Teacher Training, Baptiste Trained and Yoga Alliance Certified. Donna is a Certified Holistic Health Coach.

Divine Relationships

A beautiful, divine relationship with our soulmate is something we all deeply long for, and essentially need. Many of us, however, seem to struggle with our  relationships in one way or another.

We find that daily life eats away from the romantic energy that was there when we first began our relationship and dampens the fire of the attraction from the first blissed out weeks.

The little things that were cute in the beginning become a major disturbance.

We stop talking to each other about what is really important to us and deep and  meaningful communication becomes something we just have with our best friend.

Even though our spouse may be the person we love the most, it is this person we hurt the most, or vice versa.

We may want so badly for our partner to change this one bad habit, but they just don’t.

Or, we get angry at each other for minuscule reasons.

The list could be continued…right?

Why is it so difficult?

While there are many good therapists, books, and strategies that offer great relationship advice and practical help, one missing aspect of why we find maintaining a harmonious relationship so complicated is understanding and cultivating the spiritual and energetic part of our relationship.

Energy influences your life on many different levels, and spills into all our relationships. Energies from our past, our karmas, that are stored on the soul level, keep playing out until they are finally resolved.

Then, there is the energy from all the past relationships we had, that stays with us until we can remove it on a deep energetic level.

The relationship we have with our parents, especially our mother, is the deepest, most energetic bond we have in our lives, and it has a great impact on how we live our present relationships.

Everyday we deal with the energy that stays with us from the interactions we have with other people throughout the day. This can create imbalances in us that we inevitably bring home to our family.

The energy from the full and new moon impacts our relationship tremendously, especially if we choose the wrong timings to be intimate.

A lack of unconditional love and mutual understanding can cause constant friction and leads to dissatisfaction and frustration.

The energy of a broken heart caused by an earlier partner, or other traumatic events in our life, can lead to ending a relationship, or never beginning a new one.

We tend to have a deep misunderstanding and unrealistic expectations of the concept of soulmates.

And on top of that, the media tells us every day what a happy relationship looks like, how we should behave to make our partner happy, how often we need to have sex, and how big of a house or car we have to have in order for our relationship to be successful and happy.

All these influences can create disturbances that can make our living together complicated, painful, and sometimes impossible.

How to create Divine Relationships…

In order to take care of these challenges we need to have awareness and acceptance of what is going on for us, and for our partner.

One way to create more awareness and acceptance is to bring more divine energy into our relationship, through intention and meditation. Intention is important for creating the space, the environment for cultivating conscious relationships. Meditation helps us to be more present and makes it easier for us to be aware and observe what is going on in the moment, and directs the energy towards fulfilling our intentions. And besides making us more present, meditation, especially mantra meditation, can be a powerful aid for removing the blocks we carry with us from our past.

Using mantra meditation can greatly support you to successfully deal with the ups and downs of life together as an individual, couple, or family.

  • It aids in healing heartbreak
  • It can rekindle the romantic fire
  • It helps to disconnect old relationships
  • It deals with the pain and heartbreak that comes from infidelity
  • It protects and heals sexual harassment
  • And it decharges energies that we collect over the day through our work and interactions with others

And there is also the practice of forgiveness, which plays a very big role, especially in the relationship we have with our mother, and father and in turn how we parent our children.

Begin with this short practice

If you want to start right away to bring more peace and happiness in your relationship with yourself and others, try to incorporate this short meditation practice into your daily routine. For best results this should be done by both partners, but if only one of you is open to, it it can help as well.

Set aside 10 min of your day for this meditation.

Sit down alone, or together and be comfortable. Set your  intention for the meditation to help you gain clarity and to remove any obstacles that prevent you from living a happy and fulfilled relationship.

The meditation is simply watching your breath, how it flows in and out of your nostrils. When thoughts arise as you are watching your breath, just let them pass by, like clouds, and bring your awareness back to your in and out breath. If the thoughts come back (they most likely will ;-)), let them pass again, and come back to your breath.

Do this practice daily and observe how your interactions change, and how much more awareness and presence comes into your life, and into your relationship.

To take this practice to the next level you can use the Gayatri Mantra in your meditation. You can chant it aloud or silently in your mind. You can download a beautiful recording of it chanted by Nina Ketscher here.

Listen to the recording to support your meditation while you learn how to pronounce it. Again, set your intention to gain clarity and to remove any obstacle that prevents you from having a happy and fulfilled relationship.

More knowledge and more practices

This sharing is a tiny bit of the knowledge and energetic practices for healing your relationship and making it happy.

If you want to know more check out the workshop Divine Relationships, coming on 08.21.2016 at Leap Yoga.

Have happy and fulfilled Divine relationships.


Steve Ketscher

Divine Relationships with Steve Ketscher

Ancient knowledge written in palm leaf manuscripts from India, not only teaches us sophisticated spiritual technologies to heal and develop our soul, but also shows us how to successfully handle the challenges that occur in our relationships today.

In this two part workshop series, you will get a deeper understanding of the union/creation energy and learn powerful and simple practices that can help you to develop and protect healthy divine relationships.

Learn how to:

  • reawaken and use union energy to heal and develop your relationship
  • heal from heartbreak and betrayal
  • recognize and remove unwanted energies affecting your relationship
  • cut off old relationships
  • protect yourself from sexual harassment
  • control your sexual energy
  • understand the concept of soulmates
  • conscious conception and pregnancy

This is not a Tantra class.

August 28th
from 1pm to 3pm

$30 advance registration // $35 day of event

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Friday Night Kirtan with Rick and Kristin

Please join Rick & Kristin at Leap Yoga for Friday Night Kiirtan. Experience the vibration of ancient sacred mantras, some yogic history, & mythological stories. Learn more about Bhakti Yoga, the yogic path of love and devotion. Bhakti Yoga can be described “love for love’s sake” or “union through love and devotion” and includes music and sound. Rick and Kristin look forward to sharing how mantra and the Bhakti path has guided them into living their deeper truth.

Friday, August 26th
from 7:30-9pm

$15/drop-in, no one turned away (sliding scale available cash only)
All ages welcome, kids and teens 16 & under free.

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Next Level Workshop with Tristina Kennedy
Have the hang of sun salutations and want to start taking your practice to the next level? Join Tristina for this workshop where you will be guided through step-by-step instruction on how to start incorporating new moves into your repertoire!

You will learn:

  • Safe alignment when shifting through Chatarunga to Upward Facing Dog
  • How to begin jumping forward/back in the vinyasa sequence
  • The purpose of breath & bandhas and how to engage them in your vinyasa practice
  • Accessible preparations for arm balances and inversions

With the right tools, you may be surprised at what you’re capable of doing! Leave with a greater understanding of how to continue advancing your practice. This workshop is for students who have taken at least 10 vinyasa classes. Please refrain from eating for at least one hour prior.

~ Connect with me at:

August 7th
from 1-3:30pm

$25 pre-register $30 day of

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Relax, Restore, and Meditate with Michael Fong
Join Michael for a practice all about relaxing yourself into a deep state of meditation. You will be guided through the following:

  • Restorative yoga postures
  • Various breathing techniques
  • Conclude with an extended meditation

There will also be a brief lecture on how to initiate the relaxation response. This 2.5 hour practice is accessible for all bodies. All experience levels of both yoga and meditation are welcome.

Sunday, July 31st
from 1-3:30pm

$25 pre-register $30 at the door


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Friday Night Kirtan with Robert & Donna

Please join Robert & Donna at Leap Yoga for kirtan. Experience the vibration of ancient sacred mantras, some yogic history, & mythological stories. Learn more about Bhakti Yoga, the yogic path of love and devotion. Bhakti Yoga can be described “love for love’s sake” or “union through love and devotion” and includes music and sound.

Friday, July 15th
from 7:30-9pm

$15 (sliding scale available cash only)
All ages welcome, kids and teens 18 & under free.

Sign Up

Facing Embracing Fears Arm Balancing and Inversions with Les Leventhal

July 12th from 6-8pm
$30/advance registration, $40/walk-in, $50/both classes (Yamas & Niyamas Vinyasa, Facing Embracing Fears Arm Balancing and Inversions) advance registration required

Arm Balances and Inversions can be some of yoga’s most challenging yet fun poses to practice. Learn to safely defy gravity, starting with a single breath. In this workshop you will strengthen your core to better support your arm balances. Build upper body strength which will help support and build healthier wrists, elbows and shoulders. Engage the legs, so they don’t take refuge in Savasana. Begin cultivating awareness of your body being upside down and moving through space, while surfing from one pose to another. Yoga should be satisfying and fun, not a chore. This workshop will launch you there. This very fun workshop is accessible for beginners, intermediate/advanced practitioners and teachers who want to learn how to teach newer students the foundations and set up of arm balancing and provide safe up leveling for the advanced practitioner. Flying is like a great fire of courage – once that flame is ignited – it never goes out.

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Yamas & Niyamas Vinyasa with Les Leventhal

July 11th from 6-8pm
$30/advance registration, $40/walk-in, $50/both classes (Yamas & Niyamas Vinyasa, Facing Embracing Fears Arm Balancing and Inversions) advance registration required

How do these first two Limbs of the 8 Limbed practice affect the asana practice on the mat and everyday life off the mat? We will explore what the 8 limbs are and where the Yamas and Niyamas fit in and their application. We will discuss how these ideals can be themes or intentions for the practice. We’ll take some time to review our ethics and how we might shift our perspective on how we see things culturally and/or personally and then weave all that into an asana practice to cultivate awareness. Our lives are forever shifting and sometimes we need to make tough decisions about how to love ourselves and others, compassionately.

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Intro to Buti Glow with Morgan Fallon

July 9th from 6-8pm
$20 advance registration/$25 walk-in

Into to Buti Glow
This workshop is appropriate for all levels. Buti Glow introduces the power of tapping into your creative energy through a fusion of yoga and tribal dance! Yogis will learn the philosophy behind the practice of Buti Yoga as well as enjoy a slow paced breakdown of individual movements.

It’s a party! Tribal body painting+ 45 minutes of Buti Glow with the black light and awesome music!

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