Safe Hugs!

Safe Hugs!

Our first Leap VIRTUAL Live Yoga week is almost over. Time to reflect as the questions are many; how have we done, have we managed to provide our community with a valid experience, what do we still need to do, how is our social media working for you, too much activity, about right or too little, is our upgraded wifi coping, is our offer memorable and beneficial, how is our interface coping, can our community easily navigate our much changed site, are we relevant, do we provide Leapers with a valid Yoga experience, what still needs to be done and what further changes are necessary to this evolving process, to best fulfill our Leapers needs?  Regardless of the answers it’s a time to reflect, a time to give thanks and to let everyone know the wondrous feeling experienced, one of being deeply touched, inspired, humbled and loved, as a Leap team member.

I write with the knowledge of the incredible hardships many of you are going through, financially, emotively, often with the worry of loved ones far from home.  Social distancing is not so easy, when culturally a light touch is given as a display of caring, empathy and understanding.  The cessation of contact does not come easily.  As an Italian native, where emotions are readily shown, this demonstration of caring now removed so abruptly has been a challenge, to say the least.  Appropriately and without question, true caring is currently shown in exactly the opposite way, ergo I refrain from contact because I care!

During these exceedingly difficult times, with Leap having to temporarily close its doors, I now more than ever, am acutely aware of the incredible Leap family around me.  Cindi, Stacy, Butch and Michēal have been absolute rocks, working often 14 hour days on the dogged quest of ensuring we can continue to provide our community with the Leap Yoga experience as best we are able.  Teachers, students, staff all coming together – figuratively, rather than physically – with the purpose of exploring, investigating and ultimately defining how to put together what is a people centric fitness, wellness and yoga community virtually. For this I am greatly touched.

The caring, laughing, crying, worrying and learning required towards this achievement has been great.  The ‘can do’ attitude of all involved, combined with the extreme rapidity needed of mastering new technology, systems, methods and ways of doing things.  Ideas a plenty, some good, some less so, all pushing the bounds of our knowledge and previous comfort levels.  This has left me truly inspired.

The huge amounts of help from friends, my daughter’s boyfriend and tech guru extraordinaire – Antonino –  our family, the calls, emails and messages from Leap members asking how they can help, ensuring their membership levels are current, buying retail products for home delivery, the words of love, support and comfort.  The having to overcome personal limitations and the dependence of all to find effective, quality solutions rapidly.  This has left me greatly humbled.

The zoom dinner dates, FaceTime calls, virtual wine evenings and what’s app messages from around the world. My Italian family and friends in isolation, for weeks on end, checking to see whether we are all fine. Suppliers waiving fees, MBO’s invaluable technical support, specialists giving of their time, for free, to help us bring everything together and doing all possible to ensure we have a strong studio to come back to when all of this is over.  The coming together of a community, helping one another in our collective hour of need.  The ultimate strength of relationships and the smallness of the world.  This has shown me the power of love.

So my take away is simple; I am filled with hope, appreciation, humility and give to you all unreserved love and thanks. Please stay safe and well so we may all celebrate together physically, as this time too shall pass.  The lessons learned however, I know will remain forever.

In the meantime Namaste and safe hugs.




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