Leap Kindness Challenge


Leap 30 Day Kindness Challenge and 11th Anniversary Celebration


This month is Leap’s 11th anniversary and we are looking forward to celebrating in a very special way! During the month of March we are launching Our Leap 30 Day Kindness Challenge!

Teachers, staff, and members of our Leap Community are invited to perform an act of service or kindness outside of regular daily routine each day for 30 days. Simply write down your act of kindness or journal it and put one dollar per service in you personal “till” each time you do it. At the end of the month you have two choices. Take the money from your till and do an act of service or kindness for yourself or donate it to the Leap pool, where we will donate all 100% of the funds to the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief Funds: https://www.directrelief.org/emergency/turkey-syria-earthquake/and Saint John’s Program for Real Change https://www.saintjohnsprogram.org/

We hope each of you will participate in the challenge as well. Just imagine what the ripple effect of these acts of kindness can make! 🙂

We are kicking this off on Wednesday March 1st, offering 2 FREE CLASSES, 4:30pm Kaiut and 6pm Vinyasa where students can invite friends and family to join.

At the end of the 30 days, on Saturday April 1st, we will have the culmination class at 5:00pm FREE where we will share some of the wonderful stories and personal experiences that occurred during the month.

This Class will be followed by a pizza party and a celebration of Leap’s 11th anniversary. 



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