Introduction to Thai Massage

Introduction to Thai Massage with Sam Scholtes and Stacy Whittingham



Date: Saturday, October 15th
Time: 1:30-3:30pm
Investment: $35 for pre-registration / $40 for day of walk-ins


Join Sam Scholtes and Stacy Whittingham to learn the basics of Thai Massage in this 2 hour workshop. You’ll discover how to apply the alignment principles of yoga to another person’s body using this ancient method of yogic massage from Thailand.

What: During this workshop we will be using three basic techniques: joint mobility, acupressure and stretching in both passive and facilitated fashions linked together to ease muscle tension, increase flexibility in muscles and range of motion in the joints.

Who is this workshop for: Athletes, Yogis, Desk-Jockeys, Dancers, Gym-goers, New Moms, Dads… Just about Anybody who wants to feel better in their BODY.




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