Leap Transformative Yoga Teacher Training 2025


Transformative Yoga Teacher Training 2025 with Stacy Whittingham & Gena Foreman


Fridays 5pm – 9pm / Saturdays 8am – 6pm / Sundays 9am – 4pm

Weekend 1: Jan 24, 2025 – Jan 12, 2025

Weekend 2: Jan 31, 2025 – Jan 19, 2025

Weekend 3: Feb 7, 2025 – Feb 2, 2025

Weekend 4: Mar 7, 2025 – Mar 9, 2025

Weekend 5: Mar 14, 2025 – Mar 16, 2025

Weekend 6: Mar 28, 2025 – Mar 30, 2025

Weekend 7: April 4, 2025 – April 6, 2025

Sunday April 13th Graduation Day


*Early Registration: $2,795 (on or before Oct 1, 2024)

Regular Registration: $2,995 (after Oct 1, 2024)

*To be eligible to receive early discount pricing you must meet the following criteria:

  • $400 deposit due with application
  • Upon acceptance, half tuition ($1,197.50) due Nov 1, 2024
  • Remaining balance ($1,197.50) due Dec 1, 2025




Leap Yoga, Folsom, CA

This program is an in depth study of foundational yoga. Areas of focus include yoga asana, philosophy, anatomy, prenatal yoga, assisting, ayurveda, Sanskrit, mantra, yoga nidra and meditation.


Tuition for 200HR YTT Includes:

  • 200HR Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher Certification (pending all program requirements are met)
  • Transformative Yoga Teacher Training Manual
  • Guest teacher workshops
  • Access to classes taught by Gena and Stacy at Leap Yoga in Folsom, CA

Tuition does not include books. Book list provided upon acceptance.

Refund Policy:

$400 deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable

(if for any reason you aren’t accepted into the program, your deposit will be refunded in full)​


If a student withdraws from the course…

  • 31+ days prior to training, full refund minus $400 deposit
  • 15 – 30 days prior to training, 50% of training balance, minus $400 deposit
  • 14 days prior to training and once training begins, no refund will be issued

Section 1

Introduction to Philosophy and Mantra

Pranayama Ujjayi/Three Part Breathing

Foundations of Asana/Sun Salutations

Section 2 

History of Yoga/Classical and Tantra/Patanjali’s Eight Limbs

Asana Exploration and Introduction to Sun Salutations A, B, C

Pranayama: Ujjayi Breath

Chant Mantra and Meditation
Yoga Anatomy

Section 3

Yamas & Niyamas and Introduction to Yoga Sutras

Pranayama: Alternate Nostril Breathing

Asana Exploration, Sun Salutation, Intro to Sequencing

Japa Meditation and Mantra Practices
Yoga Anatomy

Section 4

Understanding the Subtle Energetic Body: Bandhas & Koshas

Yoga Nidra

Pranayama: Sitali
Asana Exploration: Inversions & Sequencing
Assisting Techniques
Yoga Anatomy

Section 5

Yoga Philosophy
Pranayama: Bhramari
Asana Exploration: Assisting & Sequencing
Yoga Anatomy

Section 6

Introduction to Ayurveda
Five Element Walking Meditation
Pranayama: Kapalabhati & Vayus
Asana Exploration: Assisting
Review & Practice Teach
Yoga Anatomy

Section 7

Practical Testing & Written Final Exam
Prenatal Yoga
Yoga Anatomy

Section 8

Teach Friends and Family
Graduation Ceremony




1) Advanced studies program:

This track is available to students interested in advancing and deepening their study of yoga without fulfilling all of the the 200HR Yoga Alliance certificate requirements.

2) 200HR Yoga Alliance certificate program:

This certification is available to those who wish to teach yoga in public venues such as studios, corporate yoga, recovery programs and gyms. Eligibility for the 200HR Yoga Alliance certificate requires consistent classroom participation, successful completion of assigned reading, demonstration of the students’ understanding of the principles presented in the program as well as fulfillment of practice teaching requirements.

Curriculum Outline:

Curriculum will include the fundamentals of yoga philosophy, teaching methods and developing skills for working with a diverse array of yoga practitioners in aspects of postural, breathing, mantra and meditation practices.

Asana Technique, Teaching Methods and Practical Yoga Anatomy: Participants will learn to teach the primary families of asanas: Sun salutations, standing poses, backbends, forward bends, twists, arm balances, inversions, core refinement and hip openers. Explorations of postures and poses will be supported by functional anatomy, bio-mechanics and the kinesiology of movement. In this section participants will also learn how to “see” yoga practitioners in order to guide them in a meaningful and safe way through an asana practice. Studies of alignment principles, modifications, physical adjustments/assists and the use of yoga props are all included in this section.


Practical Yoga History and Philosophy: This section includes the study of certain yoga philosophies and traditional texts. Studies include Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga, Yoga Sutras, Patanjali’s philoposphy of Spiritual Psychology, an overview of the Bhagavad Gita, history of yoga and an introduction to the use of Sanskrit.


Class Plan and Sequencing: This section of study will include the art and science of sequencing postures for yoga classes. Class plan instruction will include grounding practices, intention setting, themes and styles of asana practice.

Seeing, Relating, Demonstrating, Cuing: Participants will learn to observe, appreciate and understand what is happening with different students to develop the skills to work with all bodies and abilities. Also, how to effectively demonstrate yoga poses while giving clear and concise instructions using the qualities of voice, tone and audibility.

Practice Teaching: Participants will be working together in group settings to practice teach. Students will learn to develop confidence and skills to lead larger classes. Each practice teaching session includes feedback and discussion of teaching techniques and methods.

Teaching Pranayama: This section includes instruction of basic breathing techniques including three-part breathing and ujjayi breath along with intermediate breathing techniques such as alternate nostril, sitali, kapalabhati and bhramari.


Meditation Practice: We will explore several meditation techniques including japa meditation, guided meditation, silent meditation and walking meditation.


Subtle Energetic Body and Ayurveda: The subtle energetic body is the template to the physical body and in this section we will cover nadis, koshas, bandhas, chakras and the vayus. Included in this section is an introduction to Ayurveda, the five elements, doshas, gunas and dinacharaya.


Pre-Natal Yoga: In this section participants will learn how to adapt the practice for each trimester of pregnancy, indications and contra-indications for various conditions, effective use of props, emotional and psychological aspects of pre-natal, preparation, delivery and post-partum reintegration through yoga.


Lifestyle, Ethics, and Selfless Service: In this section we will be exploring the bigger picture of how we live our lives off the mat. We will explore nutrition, personal yoga and meditation practice, relations with family, friends, co-workers and community. We will study the yogic perspective of living life with dignity, integrity and respect for all beings.





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