Mindfulness Breathwork by Candlelight
Relax……..Rejuvenate……..and Reenergize……..
Date: Friday October 11th
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Investment: $15 Prebook/$20 at door
As you experience the profound benefits of full yogic breathing, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system of rest and relaxation! Move into and out of gentle, restorative poses in-sync with your breath, and find the depth of healing that each pose provides when held longer, allowing the body ample opportunity to respond and return to wholeness! Also learn and experience very powerful pranayama breathing practices which have been a part of the yoga tradition for millennia!
End the work week and begin the weekend with this most positive and health-promoting practice as we gather together for a rewarding 1.5 hours, and be a part of the inevitable as we move towards wellness!!!