Kids Fall Yoga Series with Gina Davis


Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm

October 19th – November 9th

Ages: 6-11

Investment: Full 4-Week Series $40 ($10 / class), Single Drop-In: $12 / class

Yoga is a powerful tool to help your child learn to self-regulate, practice mindfulness, and build coordination, strength, and self-confidence. These sessions include games, a brief meditation practice, yoga poses and plenty of opportunity to get the wiggles out. Come have fun with us and give your child the gift of yoga!

Begins Thursday October 19th through November 9th.

Click on image to book!





Leap Yoga Happy 4th Classes


Celebrate FREEDOM on July 4th with your friends at Leap Yoga!

We have two classes on the Fourth of July

8:30-9:45AM FREEDOM Flow with Stacy

10:00-11:00AM Kaiut Yoga with Colette

Come have fun with us!



Click on Stacy below to sign up!






Kids Yoga Classes at Leap


When: Tuesdays & Thursdays 9-10am
Teacher: Gina Davis
Pricing: $8 drop-in



We are all in a continuous state of busyness, including our children. Busy bodies and busy schedules leading to busy minds. Yoga can be a helpful tool to navigate the busy and bring us more to a state of calmness and mindfulness. In this class we will build strength, self-confidence, balance, play games, practice meditation, get those wiggles out, as well as rest the body and mind.

Come have fun with us!

Starting Tuesday June 13th and will continue weekly throughout the summer.

Click on image to book!







• Student/Educator Unlimited Package (2 months) – $149 

Unlimited Yoga (In-Studio & Virtual) for two consecutive months


• Student/Educator Unlimited Package (3 months) – $199 

Unlimited Yoga (In-Studio & Virtual) for three consecutive months



Unlimited Members can add their Child/Teen/Student to their Unlimited Membership for an extra $50 per month

no minimum months


To sign up call 916 608 5327 to have your student added or email:






Annual LEAP Holiday Sale is now on!


How can a regular yoga practice benefit you and the people you love?


A recent article from Johns Hopkins Medicine lists the many benefits of a regular yoga practice.


Here are just a few:

  • Improve strength, balance, and flexibility
  • Helps relieve back pain
  • Yoga can relieve arthritis symptoms
  • Reduces stress and body-wide inflammation
  • Supports a healthy heart
  • Promotes relaxation and improved sleep
  • Increased energy and brighter moods
  • Helps manage stress
  • Supportive Community (our personal favorite at Leap!)
  • Promotes better self care

We invite you to check our Leap’s holiday sale and give the gift of yoga this holiday season!


Holiday Membership Sale

•40% off first month Leap Premium Unlimited Membership

(3 month minimum)

• Leap Premium Unlimited Membership Year in full $999.  Premium membership includes:  unlimited access to in-studio and virtual classes, access to the Leap Virtual Library (practice anytime, anywhere), 10% off boutique items all year long!

Holiday Sale

•20% off all boutique items

(including mats, props, new apparel and accessories)

•25% off LEAP wear

•up to 50% off clearance items

•10% off class passes


Visit our boutique and ask at the front desk for further details.


Don’t forget our gift Cards

To order online: Click on the image above


If you would like to arrange a custom shopping appointment email: or call us 916 608 5327




Contact us:





New Moon and Solar Eclipse

In the words of author and spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, “You are here to enable the divine purpose of the Universe to unfold. That is how important you are!”

This past week has presented some unexpected and stressful challenges, for me. I’ve been riding the roller coaster of emotions, feeling it all. I’ve experienced moments of wondering why I do this work that I do. I’ve even questioned the path I am on. And yet, my trust has been restored over and over again this week.

Something really tender happened for me this morning…

I was leading a yoga practice at an addiction recovery center up in the mountains and hills of Northern, CA. There were 12 clients present today, which is quite larger than our normal crew. It started off a little rough, with lots of distractions around us. We moved through a sequence of poses, taking time in each one to feel the shape and explore the breath. Each person in the room was in a very different body and having a very different experience.

At the end of our yoga practice, I invited the group to lie on their backs for a guided meditation practice. As they laid there, supported by the ground beneath them, I observed each person in the room. One woman had her hands on her heart and a tender smile on her face. Another gentleman took up lots of space on his mat with his palms facing towards the sky; he looked open and ready to receive. Another woman seemed to be feeling an emotion; her face told me so. One man was curled up into a fetal position with his hands cradling his head, nurturing himself. Another man was having a very hard time being still, but I watched him soften and gradually relax through the process. And then there was the guy who was playing cards on his mat. 🙂 As I watched these beautiful humans together, I remembered why I do this work and how rewarding it is to watch humans just simply BE right where they are.

Something beautiful happens when we simply do our best, let go of fear and uncertainty, and lean into trust. When I open my heart and trust in LIFE, things naturally unfold in a way that is hard to put into words. I remember why I am here & why I do what I do.

I am so grateful for strangers, students, teachers, family and friends who show up to help me when I am in need, for the way in which Mother Nature so naturally teaches me, and for the organic way the universe manifests the mysteries of life!

In a few days, we will experience a new moon in which the energy of the moon helps us reflect on the past, set new intentions and envision new dreams. The energy of the new moon and solar eclipse is fresh, even inviting, and can remind us of what our soul came here to achieve. October’s moon is a partial solar eclipse, and so it can open us to the deep and mysterious caverns of our hearts that we’ve yet to explore. The spiritual meaning of the October 2022 new moon solar eclipse is to bring heart-centered transformations for all zodiac signs. During this phase of the moon cycle, it is a wonderful time to create or shift our heartfelt intentions and renew our trust in the magic of LIFE.


Holly Ashton-Wallin






Dear Leapers!

A message from Gaya:

It’s so deeply satisfying to be bringing the dimension of sacred music to Leap Yoga classes and workshops! I just released my new single, Durgayei, and I am looking forward to singing it with you at Mantra Night on August 26. My band, Gaya’s Earth & Spirit Band will be there to make the evening magical! Come sing, bask, align with the universe as beautiful mantras fill the space.


To Book: In-Studio Mantra Evening with Gaya’s Earth & Spirit Band

To listen to Gaya’s new Single; Durgayei






Dear Leapers!

Come celebrate Memorial Day with us. Your amazing Leap teachers will guide you through sequenced postures and poses designed to boost your spirits and encourage strength and stability.


Our Memorial Day Schedule includes:


and their families.  Just show up and let us honor you!


Memorial Weekend Class Schedule


Saturday, May 28th

(Please note NEW CLASS and Saturday Schedule)

8am Leap All-Levels Flow with Tim

9:30am HOT 26 with Elise

10:45am Kaiut with Molly


Sunday, May 29th

9am Leap Power Vinyasa with Butch

10:30am Kaiut with Miche’al

4pm Leap Basic Flow with Sheri

5:30pm Yin with Kate


Monday, May 30th

9am Leap All-Levels Flow with Carissa

10:30am Kaiut with Michéal


Memorial Day Weekend Sale!

  • 20% OFF the first 2 months of a NEW Leap Premier Unlimited Membership (6 month commitment required)
  • 20% Boutique


To book a class click on this link