Free Talk – June 2016

Free Talk with Steve Ketscher on Love and Power – Bhakti and Shakti Ancient Mantra Meditations to Accelerate Healing and Personal Growth

June 26th from 7-8:30pm
FREE registration

Mantra Meditation is one of the most advanced spiritual technologies available on our planet today. Written down in palm leaf manuscripts as old as 7000 years, the technologies of mantra + yantra give us powerful ways to speed up our spiritual growth, develop unconditional love, and gain the power and abilities to heal ourselves and others.

The use of mantras can clear the path for you to create whatever you may need in your day-to-day life, such as health, prosperity, peace of mind and happy and healthy relationships. It also paves the way for your divine life to unfold. Mantra meditation supports you in finding your own true path by creating your personal channel to the Divine.

In this free workshop, you will learn more about these ancient spiritual technologies. You will experience the energy of meditating with a specific mantra and receive a powerful self-healing technique.

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