Costa Rica Retreat: Reflections from a LEAP Yogini

Peace Retreat 3

 This week a group of LEAPers are headed to Peace Retreat in beautiful Costa Rica for a yoga immersion adventure! Brittany, one of the yoginis on the trip, will be sharing her experience. Here’s a little introduction to Brittany:

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I came to Leap Yoga about 6 months ago looking to add a new dimension to my fitness routine. I never imagined that what I would gain was a deeper insight into myself through the beautiful inspiration of the teachers, assistants, staff and fellow yogis. I am still discovering my path to helping inspire health in others and learning that instruction and inspiration can come from many non-traditional sources.

I am looking forward to discovering more about how yoga can improve health and support holistic wellness as I travel to Costa Rica with Leap Yoga. I hope my blog posts can inspire others to make yoga more than just exercise. 

Namaste, Brittany



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