Sayulita Here We Come!

The first time I saw Sayulita, I fell in love. Untouched, unassuming, and a little quirky. – it was the perfect place for me! There’s something about this fishing village, gone hidden surf oasis that captures your heart and SOUL. It’s hard to find the words to describe how it feels to sit along the beautiful black and gold sand beaches as the sound of drums and native American flute sing behind you, watching a brilliant sunset melt into the ocean, and the glimmer of the village lights against the lush darkness of the jungle that surrounds.



I’m not sure where I first heard of Sayulita. I had been going to Puerto Vallarta for years and would often hear people talk about this incredibly special place. With little details they would just say, “Go there. You won’t regret it.” And so I did. The first time wasn’t nearly enough, so I went back year after year. With every visit I learned and experienced something new. Every sunset looked more brilliant than the last. And when I finally caught my first Sayulita wave, it was like coming home. All I knew is that I was meant to be here. To live here. Amongst this community, and these people.



One night at sunset I watched baby turtles making their first trip down the beach to the ocean. It was magical. On another trip I sat at one of the many beachfront restaurants enjoying the freshest fish and most amazing margarita of my life as shooting stars exploded across the sky. On another trip I got the unique honor of surprising my fiancé with a private dinner at a place I had heard was magical – Haramara. We arrived at sunset and were led around the property with flashlights. Beautifully perched across a hillside that spans down to a private beach, every part of the property was so pure, so beautiful, but the hilltop yoga shala was breathtaking. Open on all sides with a view of the jungle on one side, and the ocean on the other I couldn’t help but hope that some day I would be able to practice there.


As the universe would have it, this special town, and this amazing retreat center that had hosted us in such a gracious way would be the location of my first Yoga Retreat. I love those situations when life comes full circle. It reminds me that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I am so incredibly grateful for this opportunity to host a group of yogis at a place that has touched my heart, and soul. The place I plan to some day call home. I pray that everyone that can join us will, so that they can have their own unique Sayulita experience. The thought of being a part of that, wow, I can’t wait!



Please join us in this opportunity to Nourish Your Soul in a magical and incredible place.




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