We hope you are all staying safe and healthy at home. Much of what’s going on around us is difficult and scary yet we are also seeing a lot of inspiring stories of kindness and compassion around the world and also right here within our own community. Right here at home, Leap yogis are offering kind acts of service like making masks for healthcare workers and offering to run errands for those in need. We are deeply touched by the many stories, texts, and emails you have shared. Our hearts go out to everyone who has lost loved ones and to everyone who has lost their job. Together we will make it through.

We are checking in to make sure you’re finding time to be kind to yourself and doing what you can to maintain your mental health. Physical social distancing isn’t easy, yet as we practice this together for the benefit of all, we remain connected spiritually.

Some good ways to manage during this time of physical distancing might be to connect virtually with friends and family regularly, move your body, take walks in nature, prepare nurturing food, and find joy however you can. Maybe set a time each day to find a moment of gratitude for even the smallest of things. There is no better time to be kind to yourself and others.

Our Leap Live Classes are designed to help you stay connected to your Leap teachers and to your regular yoga practice. If the Leap Live classes don’t fit your schedule, don’t worry! Sign in anyway! We will send you a link and you can take the class anytime within the next 48 hours.

Not sure how to participate?  It’s super easy:

Just sign into your Leap Yoga account and sign up for class. 

We have several pricing options to meet your needs:

  • Virtual Drop-in $12/class
  • Virtual Monthly Unlimited Member~$109/month

Never been to Leap before, try our $39 for 30 Days for Unlimited Yoga

Are you using Class Passes?

Discounted Class Passes:

  • 30 Class Pass for $300
  • 10 Class Pass $120

(Class Passes do not expire and you can use them for regular classes at Leap when we reopen)

If you are having any difficulties with you Leap Account:

logging in, accessing your Virtual Classes or not connecting to your membership, please let us know…we will fix it…email Cindi at cindi@leapyoga.net

Stay safe and healthy friends. We love you. 



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