Leap Gift Cards


Last minute shopping……….give the gift of yoga!


Treat yourself or share your love of yoga with others this holiday with a limited-time only discounted LEAP gift card. Gift cards can be used for class passes, in-studio retail, an Intro Month, there are many ways to get flowing this season.



USE CODE: GIFTLEAP10 to purchase when ordering online: Just click on this link or come in to the studio to purchase a card

Give one or use it yourself!*

Start the New Year right and get flowing.

Not a member?  Gift cards can be used for Intro Membership, Class Passes and for a limited time only your first month payment if you join as a Leap Unlimited Member.  Let us know if you want to apply a gift card towards your first month of Leap Premier Unlimited Membership and explore all that it has to offer!

*Note – gift cards cannot be used towards existing membership payments.





Annual LEAP Holiday Sale is now on!


Flash Sale

•Unlimited Full Year Membership…$999 Ends Dec 1st


Holiday Sale

•15% off class passes

•20% off all boutique items

(including mats, props, new apparel and accessories)

•25% off LEAP wear

•up to 60% off clearance items

•Indu Pamper Package only $50

•Unlimited Leap Premier Membership 50% first month

(3 month minimum)


Get some of your holiday shopping done while supporting local businesses!

Check out our Holiday boutique and memberships for the beginner yogi as well as seasoned practitioners too!

Visit our boutique and ask at the front desk for further details.


Dear Leap Community,

We miss you all so very much and are looking forward to the day we can be together again! We have definitely learned a lot about technology and are so glad it has enabled us to stay connected with most of you virtually.

“We will either find a way or make one.”-Hannibal (247-182 BC), Carthaginian General

The above quote resonates with us because we truly feel we have been building new roads as we navigate our way through these unprecedented times. We have adapted each day to new challenges and opportunities. We will continue to make our way through this in collaboration with you all.

Our hope was to reopen with Phase 2, however, yoga studios have been included in with “Big Box Gyms” who are in phase 3. We joined a coalition of local studios and fitness facilities and approached our local government officials in an effort to make our case that we are different and able to maintain social distancing with a few procedural changes, however, it looks like we are going to have to go to the state level with this request. While some studios opened with a limited number of students in each class, the state announced on May 21st that they would have to close. We feel it is most important to be on the side of caution following the guidance of our local and state officials to ensure the safety of the Leap Community.

In the meantime, we are “freshening up the studio” and working behind the scenes to make sure your yoga studio is beautiful and sanitized when you walk back through the doors. We are following updates closely and developing a plan so that when it is safe to reopen we will be positioned to deliver you the yoga you love in a safe and welcoming environment.

Our immediate plan is to continue to offer a variety of virtual live and recorded classes/workshops to keep you connected to your practice and to your Leap teachers. We are still fine-tuning things based on the changing landscape but here are some of the procedures/policies we plan to implement allowing us to maintain the health and safety of this community:

  • IF YOU ARE SICK: First, if you, or an immediate family member is sick, running a fever, showing signs of COVID-19 or other illness please do NOT come to the studio. If you have traveled on an airplane within two weeks, you may be asked to practice from home. We are asking the same of our staff
  • CHECK-IN SYSTEM: We will require students to register for classes online (as you have been doing for our virtual classes). We will be installing a sneeze guard at the front desk for added protection and will have a new check-in procedure that requires students to enter and exit the studio in a strategic manner, avoiding large groups of people from gathering.
  • EFFICIENCY:  Staff members will be available at each class to support the check in process to get you on your mat safely.
  • FACE MASKS:  Our front desk/check in staff will be wearing face masks. Depending on what the next phase presents, we will know if face masks need to be worn during practice. We are still assessing this with our priority ensuring we are maintaining the highest level of safety for everyone.
  • CLEAN HANDS:  We will have hand sanitizer stations in many different locations in the studio with a requirement you sanitize hands when you come in and again when you leave your mat.
  • RESTROOMS/SHOWERS:  We ask that you use our restrooms on a limited basis. As before we will provide hand sanitizer, soap and paper towels in our restrooms. Showers will be closed temporarily.
  • MATS & PROPS:  There will be no rentals or shared props at this time. We will send out information on how you can purchase your yoga gear at a discounted rate so you are ready to practice. We will have new and used mats, yogitoes, sweat towels, blocks, straps, bolsters and blankets for sale.
  • 6 FEET DISTANCE:  We have Leap stickers on the floor that you will place at the top center of your mat so you will maintain at least 6 feet distance from each other.
  • EXIT FLOW: We will ask that you get to your mat quickly and when class finishes exit through the side doors closest to Ganesha…maintaining 6 feet distancing.
  • BETWEEN CLASS TIMES:  Upon reopening we will allow ample time between classes to maintain our exceptional cleaning procedures that we implemented pre-Covid.
  • LATE CANCELLATION FEES:  There will be a no show and late cancellation policy due to the limited class sizes.
  • CASHLESS:  We will become a cashless studio during this time to prevent the handling of money with our staff. Credit cards and debit cards only. We highly recommend you put your card on file now. Please email (cindi@leapyoga.net) if you want to discuss putting your card on file or adding a credit to your account to make purchases without cash in studio.
  • ONLINE CLASSES: We plan to continue indefinitely with online classes in conjunction with the opening of the studio.  You will have more opportunities to practice and stay well more than ever before Covid-19 (a silver lining).

Thank you for your patience through this process. We will update you as soon as we know more. Watch all communication outlets (email, Leap website, Instagram & Facebook) to stay in the know, as things change so quickly.

In the meantime, we hope you and your loved ones are healthy and happy! We want to hear from you. Outside of what is listed above, what else would make you feel safe and comfortable to practice at Leap? How many of you want to continue to practice from home for a while? We have put together a 3 minute survey to get your feedback.

Click the button below to complete the survey:


Again, we thank you for your commitment to the Leap community and adaptability to staying connected through our virtual classes. It is because of you all that we can come out the other side of this as a thriving, loving community. We are committed to offering rich experiences and opportunities to nourish your mind, body, and spirit through yoga. We will Leap into the future together!


Stacy, Cindi, Michēal, Butch and Marco

THANK YOU… two little words that are often said and don’t come close to expressing the gratitude with which they are sent.

It was a little over 6 weeks ago that we were instructed by the Governor to close Leap…and in less than a week we were offering online virtual classes to all of you. Your willingness to support our efforts over these past weeks have been nothing less than astounding! We are overwhelmed by your generosity and support. It is with your support that we are committed to staying the course and are confident that we will all come through this together.

If you find that circumstances become too difficult and you need our help to remain part of this incredible community, please reach out to Cindi (cindi@leapyoga.net)…I assure you we will find a way.

So please know when we say, THANK YOU, it comes from a place of sincerity and heartfelt gratitude.

This week on Leap VIRTUAL Live:

Monday, April 27

09:30 AM – 10:30 AM

VIRTUAL Vinyasa Flow

Gena Foreman

04:00 PM – 05:00 PM

VIRTUAL Vinyasa Flow

Benett Hannan

5:15 PM – 6:15 PM


Stacy Whittingham

Tuesday, April 28

09:30 AM – 10:30 AM

VIRTUAL Vinyasa Flow

Cici Escobar

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

VIRTUAL Kaiut Yoga

Colette Nalley

Wednesday, April 29

5.15 PM – 6.15 PM


Molly Oser

Thursday, April 30

09:30 AM – 10:30 AM

VIRTUAL Vinyasa Flow

Karen Miscall-Bannon

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

VIRTUAL Kaiut Yoga

Cindi Ippaso

Saturday, May 2

09:30 AM – 10:30 AM

VIRTUAL Vinyasa Flow

Stacy Whittingham

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

VIRTUAL Kaiut Yoga

Molly Oser

Sunday, May 3

09:30 AM. – 10:30 AM

VIRTUAL Vinyasa Flow

Butch Mitchell

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

VIRTUAL Kaiut Yoga

Michēal Mitchell


Safe Hugs!

Our first Leap VIRTUAL Live Yoga week is almost over. Time to reflect as the questions are many; how have we done, have we managed to provide our community with a valid experience, what do we still need to do, how is our social media working for you, too much activity, about right or too little, is our upgraded wifi coping, is our offer memorable and beneficial, how is our interface coping, can our community easily navigate our much changed site, are we relevant, do we provide Leapers with a valid Yoga experience, what still needs to be done and what further changes are necessary to this evolving process, to best fulfill our Leapers needs?  Regardless of the answers it’s a time to reflect, a time to give thanks and to let everyone know the wondrous feeling experienced, one of being deeply touched, inspired, humbled and loved, as a Leap team member.

I write with the knowledge of the incredible hardships many of you are going through, financially, emotively, often with the worry of loved ones far from home.  Social distancing is not so easy, when culturally a light touch is given as a display of caring, empathy and understanding.  The cessation of contact does not come easily.  As an Italian native, where emotions are readily shown, this demonstration of caring now removed so abruptly has been a challenge, to say the least.  Appropriately and without question, true caring is currently shown in exactly the opposite way, ergo I refrain from contact because I care!

During these exceedingly difficult times, with Leap having to temporarily close its doors, I now more than ever, am acutely aware of the incredible Leap family around me.  Cindi, Stacy, Butch and Michēal have been absolute rocks, working often 14 hour days on the dogged quest of ensuring we can continue to provide our community with the Leap Yoga experience as best we are able.  Teachers, students, staff all coming together – figuratively, rather than physically – with the purpose of exploring, investigating and ultimately defining how to put together what is a people centric fitness, wellness and yoga community virtually. For this I am greatly touched.

The caring, laughing, crying, worrying and learning required towards this achievement has been great.  The ‘can do’ attitude of all involved, combined with the extreme rapidity needed of mastering new technology, systems, methods and ways of doing things.  Ideas a plenty, some good, some less so, all pushing the bounds of our knowledge and previous comfort levels.  This has left me truly inspired.

The huge amounts of help from friends, my daughter’s boyfriend and tech guru extraordinaire – Antonino –  our family, the calls, emails and messages from Leap members asking how they can help, ensuring their membership levels are current, buying retail products for home delivery, the words of love, support and comfort.  The having to overcome personal limitations and the dependence of all to find effective, quality solutions rapidly.  This has left me greatly humbled.

The zoom dinner dates, FaceTime calls, virtual wine evenings and what’s app messages from around the world. My Italian family and friends in isolation, for weeks on end, checking to see whether we are all fine. Suppliers waiving fees, MBO’s invaluable technical support, specialists giving of their time, for free, to help us bring everything together and doing all possible to ensure we have a strong studio to come back to when all of this is over.  The coming together of a community, helping one another in our collective hour of need.  The ultimate strength of relationships and the smallness of the world.  This has shown me the power of love.

So my take away is simple; I am filled with hope, appreciation, humility and give to you all unreserved love and thanks. Please stay safe and well so we may all celebrate together physically, as this time too shall pass.  The lessons learned however, I know will remain forever.

In the meantime Namaste and safe hugs.


Dear Leap Yogis

We very much hope that this finds you, our amazing Leap community, and your families, healthy and safe!  

We want to THANK YOU… we are incredibly grateful…so many of you have reached out to us with gracious words of continued support!  You are filling our hearts with LOVE and HOPE…we are humbled beyond belief!

As you know, we have been behind the scenes working to offer Leap Live Streaming Yoga to our community during this time that you need it the most.  After exploring several platforms we’re pretty sure WE GOT THIS! 

 Please join us tomorrow, Sunday, March 22nd, for the launch of our first Live Streamed Classes:

~9:00am~Vinyasa Flow class with Papa Yogi

~11:00am~Kaiut class with Michēal.  

Please enroll for the Leap Live classes online at least an hour IN ADVANCE, this way you will have time to receive the sign-in instructions and login link! The earlier the better!  Simply use our website link at: http://leapyoga.net/2020/03/leap-virtual/ to see our VIRTUAL schedule or use the MindBody App to sign up.  We are up and running now and will be adding new classes and offerings as we go!


-Once you sign-up, a confirmation email will be sent to you within a few hours with more details.

-A Zoom link for the session will be emailed to you about an hour to 1/2 hour before the live streamed class…

-In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with Zoom and create a

free account or sign-up using your Google or Facebook account.  It is best to download the Zoom App or visit the Zoom.us site on the device you will be using to live stream.  We are here for you if you have any questions or need any help…email Cindi at cindi@leapyoga.net

Don’t worry! If you can’t join in for the Virtual Live session, we will be archiving these classes and Unlimited Members will be able to access them all from home at your convenience. PLUS….many, many, more exciting offerings coming soon….so stay tuned!

 We look forward to seeing you VIRTUALLY this Sunday!

 PS…for those of you needing “personal props” (i.e. bolsters, blocks, straps, mats, Yogitoes) we will be offering discounted packages that can be personally delivered to your home, while supplies last.  Details coming later today!


Papa Yogi, Michēal, Stacy, Cindi & Marco


Dear Leap Yogis,

We are very much aware of the growing concerns and news coverage around coronavirus (Covid-19) and the important role that both our staff and our members have, in keeping healthy.

We wanted to make you aware of the steps we take at Leap to maintain a sanitary environment.  We’ve always taken steps to clean all surfaces, props, mats and laundry after each class with a proven disinfectant designed to kill all viruses.  We are taking extra steps before and after all classes to wipe down all doors, handles and counter tops with disinfectant wipes.  Fresh towels, as always, are provided for your use during your practice.  In keeping with CDC recommendations, we encourage all of our students to wash their hands, for at least 20 seconds, before and after classes and to use the provided hand sanitizer, provided around the studio, as necessary. In addition, we ask students to bring all rental and borrowed mats to the front desk after use for staff members to clean.

As usual, we encourage all students and teachers to stay home if they are feeling unwell. Just be cautious, be mindful.

We look forward to seeing you on your mat.


Butch, Stacy, Cindi, Michéal and Marco


With a packed Valentine’s weekend class schedule and two amazing workshops, come be our Valentine this weekend!


If you haven’t already done so, sign up for the Leap 100 Club, the last day to do so is the 15th of Feb!