500-Hour Teacher Training

500-Hour Teacher Training with Karen Miscall-Bannon

Download the Brochure

Prerequisites: This program is open to anyone with 200-hour teacher training experience. The program is certified by Yoga Alliance and provides the additional 300 hours required for 500-hour certification. Students who have been teaching for a year or more without 200 hours of training may apply and be interviewed.


Timeline: Meeting times will be Fridays 5pm – 8pm, Saturdays 11am – 3pm & 4pm – 6:30pm, Sundays 11:30am – 3:30pm on the following weekends:

  • June 20-22
  • July 26-28
  • August 15-17
  • September 5-7
  • November 7-9
  • January 16-18, 2015
  • Additional Date TBA

Training: The training is set up in 5 Modules, available individually for $800, or $3500 for all five.

  • Blueprint for Optimal Movement 1: Cellular Breathing – Navel Radiation
  • Principle of a Quiet Spine
  • Discriminating Core & Periphery – Finding Union
  • Standing Postures 1– Our Foundation: Pelvis, Legs & Feet
  • Surya Namaskar: Sun Salutations & Vinyasa
  • Skeletal Structure
  • Ease in the Ilio–psoas Complex
  • Yield and Push of the Legs
  • Inversions 1: Shoulderstand & Handstand
  • Pranayama 1: Ujjayi
  • Standing Postures 2 – Dynamics & Alignment, Integrating Upper & Lower Body
  • Ribs, Shoulder Girdle, Arms and Hands: Alignment & Integrated Movement
  • Yield and Push of the Arms
  • Lower Back Fundamentals: Sacroiliac & Lumbar Health
  • Standing and Supine Forward Bends
  • Lungs, Conchas of the Nose & Breathing Diaphragm
  • Embodying Organs & Glands
  • Breath in Asana Practice
  • Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga


  • Principles of Backbends 1: Organ & Glandular Support
  • Arm Balances 1
  • Twists and Hip Openers 1
  • Inversions 2: Headstand and Shoulderstand Cycle
  • Savasana
  • Pranayama 2: Viloma, Prana Vayus
  • Bandhas – Integrating Core
  • The Kosas: Spiralic Sheaths of Awareness
  • The Systems of Yoga
  • Blueprint for Optimal Movement 2: Spinal Patterns
  • Integrated Whole Body Movement in Yoga Practice
  • Precision Vinyasa — Flow and Hold
  • Balancing Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Nervous Systems
  • Temporal-Mandibular Joint, the Skull and Palate
  • Backbends 2
  • Twists, Hips and Arm Balances 2
  • Pranayama 3: Nadi Shodhana and Kumbhaka
  • Restorative Yoga
  • Chakras, Nadis and Kundalini
  • Tantra Yoga: The Expression of Life Lived in Fullness 
Module 5
  • Yoga Nidra: Tantric Technique for Deep Rest
  • Deepening your Personal Practice
  • The world of Fascia: supportive structure and nadis
  • Principles of Observation, Instruction, Demonstration & Touch
  • Art and Science of Sequencing
  • Weaving information into the vinyasa framework.
  • Using the full-body template in your practice and classes.  Make it simple!
  • Integrating information from previous modules

In-depth study of Yoga Sutras of Patanjal, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and Bhagavad Gita.


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